Day 2, 09/18/2011:
Possibly overly excited having met old high school classmates, I did not sleep well at the first night in Cancun. At 9AM of day 2, our group met at the hotel lobby to receive information about tours and advice from the Mexican travel agent.
Due to various personal interests and opinions, we did not book any tour in advance at home. Instead, we decided to come unprepared and make a group decision on the spot. The travel agent proposed two popular tours: Xcaret and Chichen itza.
Initial discount for the two tours was 10% off the regular price. We discussed among our group and decided to demand a bargain. Jointly we half jokingly told the man we are not “Việt Kiều”--- we are “Việt Kẹo Kéo.” Everyone started to laugh out loud. The travel agent did not understand the terms but proceeded to call his home office. Within seconds, with a second discount, we settled the two tours on day 3 and day 5, and paid the deposit. Our first activity then was to have picture taken of the whole group wearing BangHang T-shirt. Many thanks to Khuan Bo for putting in many hours of labor to produce the BangHang name on the T-shirt and ThuyPhung for writing the Chinese calligraphy.
The outdoor swimming pool is adjacent to the hotel and only 50 ft away from the beach, almost like connecting together. The cleanliness and optimal water temperature got us all in the pool in no time. We swam, played like young kids, and told “yellow” jokes like old folks. Khuan Bo is the master of joke telling. The pleasant atmosphere increased one notch with each joke he told. In the afternoon, we walked 200ft out the hotel to catch a bus that brought us to downtown. Unexpectedly, I noticed Tuyet Nhi’s husband, Cuong, carried a travel guide and made notes on a local map. I knew right away this man had done “homework” at home. At my request, Cuong was happy to lead the group to tour downtown by bus, saving us otherwise extravagant taxi fare and also giving me a much-needed breather.
The group bought a bunch of food at a market for dinner. Upon returning to the hotel, we jumped into the pool while some preferred a nap. In the evening, we set out tables to enjoy our inexpensive dinner, followed by card games while the ladies rehearsed their vocal singing half-century old Vietnamese songs. It really surprised me to hear them sing Vietnamese songs so well. Before the trip, I thought they would prefer Chinese songs and would resist, if not reject, Vietnamese music. At home nowadays I listen to Vietnamese music predominantly and enjoy greatly. Everyone had a good time, mentally preparing ourselves for day 3 outdoor activities.
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ReplyDelete自從1972年高中畢業後, 各奔前程, 至今己39年沒見面, 有些同學還早些離開母校 ,就是說比39年還更長的時間沒見面, 雖然隔了這 麼久的時間, 於Cancun旅遊, 我們再次重逢, 一點也不陌生, 鵬恆的友誼一直還燃燒著, 而是那麼"真", 那麼"誠", 更顯示鵬恆團結的精神. 更值得一提的 是班上有幾位同學, 她,他們的配偶不是同班的同學, 也不是同校, 加上也不是DanDanang, 但很難得的是,她, 他們很投入, 很親切很熱情的加入鵬恆這個大家庭, 這幾位媳婦和女婿真的叫我敬賞, 也要向她, 他們說聲”謝謝”!
至於Cancun海灘景色是如何的美? (請大家上網看吧), 我不能用字墨來形容, 因為我的"字庫"是空了, 但我很肯定這幾天Cancun之旅, 無論是在海灘, 游泳池, 餐館, 超級市場, Xcaret, Chichen-Itza 或在共公巴士上...我們這班老同學一起共同分享這快樂的時刻, 對我而言周圍的景色都非常的美, 可能當時的我是真的那麼開心, 所以美化一切吧!!!(看看照片和錄影, 是不是每一位同學都笑得很開心呢? 我沒"吹牛"是嗎?) 下次如有机會再次組織去旅行的話, 希望會有更多的同學能參加.
這次我能有一個這麼愉快的旅遊,就得謝謝站長和同遊的同學, 這是我畢生最難忘的一次旅遊.